Preserving the natural seeds is the path for environmental healing.
Transforming plants into medicine and products that can be helpful for the whole planet.
Exchanging knowledge based on agroecology and culture.
Restoring the soil and preserving native species.
100% of your donation is invested in our community projects.
Through your contribution we can continue developing and improving in this aspects
Food Security
Let’s do it for ourselves, for nature, for our fellow human beings and especially for those who come after us!
We acknowledge;
That life has manifested through all of us as a very magical and mysterious way.
That I Am.
That we realize the vast wisdom that life on this earth holds.
That life is precious and sacred.
That I am sacred, body, mind, spirit.
My mother and father
My children
Nature and all life she contains are sacred.
The earth is Feminine.
That this Sun, the Moon and this Earth are sacred
that we have so much respect
awe and admiration
for all that earth, mother earth
provides to everything that is
clean air to breath,
all the water to live,
all the food
that nourishes
everything to grow,
to heal,
and to transform.
That we are so grateful,
For all we have received from it
For life to be healthy, joyful to us
For all the care, our ancestors
For The knowledge and wisdom of life
It transforms.
To all the relations
In our vast reality.